Cowansville November 20 2024 – The BMP Hospital Foundation wishes to acknowledge the exceptional contribution of the Boutique des Auxiliaires and its volunteers. Last year’s activities enabled the Boutique to contribute $42,000 towards the purchase of five pieces of equipment for the BMP Hospital’s Respiratory Therapy Department.
From patient care to training
The equipment financed by this donation is :
- A surplus patient block and patient block for the anaesthesia machine, enabling operations to be maintained without interruption and avoiding travel and interruptions in the event of maintenance;
- A portable video laryngoscope – a new device that can be easily transported and used in a variety of emergency situations and advanced airway management;
- A bedside Bipap to initiate home ventilation therapies prior to patient discharge. This device enables us to assess patients’ specific needs and adjust their therapy before discharge, thus avoiding prolonged ICU stays;
- A saturometer to measure patients’ hemoglobin quickly and non-invasively. This improves the reliability of results during respiratory function tests, reducing the need for blood sampling;
- We have also acquired simulation equipment with several essential tools for training nursing staff locally:
- A torso for complex airway management, enabling total autonomy in our training courses.
- A neonatal resuscitation table to enhance the quality of our neonatal resuscitation courses, offering constant availability.
- A premature baby mannequin to make resuscitation simulations more realistic.
- An arterial puncture arm, enabling respiratory therapists to practice on a mannequin before performing punctures on patients.
Invaluable collaboration
The BMP Hospital Auxiliary volunteer group has been active since 1954. Through fund-raising and daily sales of snacks and small products, over $842,000 has been invested to date, thanks to the Auxiliary, to improve health care specifically at the BMP Hospital. In the Petit Musée BMP (located in the hospital’s main hall), a small exhibition was prepared last June to highlight the history of the organization since its inception, and also to pay tribute to the men and women who, since 1917, have given their time and energy to the health of our hospital and its users.
Volunteers motivated by change
In 2023, the BMP Hospital Auxiliary joined forces with the BMP Foundation. This led to a number of innovations, including the introduction of credit and debit card payment systems – a service long requested by visitors to the boutique! The products on sale have also been reviewed to adapt to new needs. Over the past year, the team of volunteers has shown exceptional commitment to understanding the new elements and making the change – and one year on, monthly sales have almost doubled!
New fundraising
Building on the success of recent changes, the BMP Foundation and the Auxiliary team are working on a few new fundraising initiatives via the Boutique. We’re working hard to bring you these new activities in the coming months!
Cowansville, October 21, 2024 – The team at the Brome-Missisquoi-Perkins Hospital Foundation enjoyed a wonderful evening surrounded by numerous donors and partners during its Oktoberfest BMP held last Saturday. Thanks to the participation of 200 guests and the generosity of our sponsors, we are thrilled to announce a profit of $30,000. A BIG THANK YOU to everyone! A special thank you to Desjardins, our event presenter, for their unwavering support of the BMP Foundation for over 30 years!
A big thank you to all our sponsors: Excavation STR and St-Pierre et Tremblay, the city of Bromont, Mont Sutton, Bromont, montagne d’expérience, Exxel Polymers Inc., BTM Surfaces, and Gestion Assante for the evening biscuits. We also appreciate our media partners: M105, CiDi, Brome County News, and Le Guide Journal.
The Oktoberfest BMP took place under the permanent tent at Domaine de l’Artisan, where The Wanderers created an authentic musical atmosphere for the participants. We extend our heartfelt thanks to them, as well as to Marcel Picard, owner of Saucisson Vaudois, for preparing the delicious sauerkraut, sausages, and incredible ham. The meal concluded with a delightful apple cake and coffee generously provided by Brûlerie Virgin Hills.
We thank the three microbreweries present: Brouemont (Bromont), Knowlton Co. (Knowlton), and L’Autre Brasserie (Bedford). We’d like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Emilie Bouffard and her team at Familiprix Cowansville for their wonderful setup for the photo contest!
The raffle tickets sold during the event helped us reach this wonderful amount. Thank you to all the businesses that donated prizes for the raffle: Café William, Olalavert, La Fournée des Sucreries de l’érable, Atelier Tréma, BMR Bromont, Vignoble Domaine Bresee, Les UrbainCulteurs, Brome Bird Care, LB Avocats, Domaine des Nobles Alpagas, Familiprix Knowlton, COOP Jardin Au Pied de Céleri, and the Bromont National Cycling Center.
Arthroscopy tower
The funds raised during the 2024 events will be invested in acquiring a second arthroscopy tower for the operating room. This equipment, costing over $200,000, will allow orthopedic surgeons to work simultaneously in two rooms, thereby increasing the capacity for orthopedic procedures at BMP Hospital.

In the photo of the check, from left to right: Jonathan Pomerleau, honorary president of the event; Margerie Légaré, General Manager of Caisse Desjardins de la Porte- des-Cantons-de-l’Est; and Francis Laramée, General Director of the BMP Foundation.
Photo credit : Danny Landry
Frédérique Pothier, Event Coordinator
Brome-Missisquoi-Perkins Hospital Foundation
450 266-5548 |
Join us on November 9 at 2 p.m. to attend the Community Signers benefit concert for the benefit of the BMP Foundation!
Under the musical direction of Laura Kerr-Barr and John Barr, the choir will perform classic Broadway songs from The Phantom of the Opera, Aladdin, My Fair Lady, Music Man, and more!
Ticket at the door or at 450-263-3421.

Cowansville, October 9, 2024 – The Yamaska Valley Optimist Club and the Brome-Missisquoi-Perkins Hospital Foundation are delighted to mark the 23rd edition of the Walk to End All Cancers, which took place on Sunday, October 6, 2024 at the Centre Communautaire Lac-Brome.
Over 150 participants walked and some took part in a workshop with yoga teacher Laura Hernandez. Thanks to donations from walkers, walk contributions and sponsors, over $ 87 070 was raised that day!
We would like to express our gratitude to the honorary co-chairs, Dr. Christine Cadrin, gynecologist at the BMP Hospital and cancer survivor, and Heather Padner, a major contributor to the walk.
Thank you also to the 2024 walk organizers Lucy Davis and Judy Henderson, as well as Linda Martin president of the Yamaska Valley Optimist Club. A special recognition as been made to thank Ms. Johanne Coiteux and Louise Gélinas who co-organized the walk for over 20 years!
Our warmest thanks to our sponsor: Pharmacie Jean Coutu Julie Coderre, Sabrina Parent and Olivier Martel, and to the Walk’s collaborators: Brûlerie Virgin Hill and MNP, for their unfailing support.
Special thanks to ‘Friends for Life’, a group of three friends, for raising over $10,000!
We wish to thank all participants, sponsors, and donors over the past 22 years for their invaluable support. Together, we have surpassed the one-million-dollar mark and impacted thousands of lives. THANK YOU! Help us make a positive impact on the lives of cancer patients by participating in the 2024 walk!

Photo par Jean-Martin Verreault. Linda Martin, president of the Yamaska Valley Optimist Club, Janet Gibbons, club member, Jessica Brown the MC, Louise Gélinas club member, Heather Padner honorary cochair, Dre Christine Cadrin honorary cochair, Judy Henderson et Lucy Davis organizers of the 2024 walk.
There’s still time to make a donation
For those who would like to support the walk, but were unable to attend, it is still possible to make a donation online.
Fundraising Projects
The funds raised from the walk will be used to purchase specialized medical equipment for the treatment of cancer patients at BMP Hospital. Thanks to the contribution of the Yamaska Valley Optimist Club and it’s 2023 Walk to Fight All Cancers, two new colonoscopy machines valued at $92 800 have already been funded.
Cowansville September 16, 2024 – The Royal Canadian Legion Cowansville Branch 99 presented the BMP
Hospital Foundation with a historic donation of $20,000 on September 13. This is one of the largest donations the Cowansville Legion has ever made to an organization via the Poppy Fund. This donation is in addition to the BMP Foundation’s active campaign to purchase a 2nd arthroscopy tower for the Cowansville hospital.
A second arthroscopy tower
The acquisition of a second arthroscopy tower for the BMP Hospital Surgical Suite, valued at over $200,000, will enable orthopedic surgeons to operate in two operating rooms simultaneously. This will enable the BMP Hospital to schedule two orthopedic surgery rooms four days out of five, improving the fluidity of these procedures for the population of Brome-Missisquoi.
A long-standing collaboration
The Foundation is delighted with this collaboration and the achievements made possible thanks to the members of the Cowansville Legion. Since 1989, the Legion has donated close to $50,000 to improve health care in BromeMissisquoi. Notably, by 2021, 5 Hill-Rom beds had been purchased for intensive care, thanks to combined donations from the following Legions: Brome (23), Waterloo-Shefford (77), Cowansville (99), Sutton (158), Iberville (263), Philipsburg (82), Branch Auxiliary (77) and District 9 Yamaska Valley.
The BMP Hospital Foundation would like to thank all Legion volunteers for their hard work and generosity.

From left to right in the photo, the donation was presented in the presence of : Cde André Noiseux, Director; Cde Dawn Poll, Director Poppy File; Francis Laramée, Executive Director – BMP Foundation; Cde Robert Bouthot, President; Cde Daniel Rodrigue, Director Veterans Support.
Participants were out in force Sunday April 21st, 2024 for the 33rd edition of the BMP Brunch! For the first time since 2019, both services were sold out, much to the delight of the BMP Foundation team. Bacon and croissants were in abundance at the Auberge West Brome, and several prizes were won in a draw held during the event. A festive, family-friendly day, in the spirit of the close-knit community of Brome-Missisquoi!
Thanks to the 340 participants on both services, sponsors, and raffle tickets, we’re delighted to announce that we raised $28,250 in benefits! Thank you, everyone!

All proceeds from our 2024 events will be invested in the acquisition of a second arthroscopy tower for the OR. This new investment, valued at over $200,000, will allow orthopedic surgeons to work in two operating rooms simultaneously. The BMP Hospital will therefore be able to schedule two orthopedic surgery rooms four days out of five, improving the fluidity of these procedures for the population of Brome-Missisquoi.
Thanks to the BMP Brunch sponsors and collaborators: Desjardins, IGA Gazaille, Papeterie Cowansville, Familiprix Lac Brome, Centre santé dentaire Lac-Brome as well as Isabelle Charest, deputy for Brome-Missisquoi at the Quebec National Assembly, the Knowlton Lions Club, Auberge West Brome and M105.

A George Bristol Award rooted in the BMP Hospital
In honor of Mr. Bristol, creator of the BMP Brunch in 1988, the BMP Foundation has presented the George Bristol Award since 2016 with the goal of promoting, developing, and recognizing the exceptional and sustained commitment of men and women who volunteer tirelessly with the well-being of the BMP Foundation and BMP Hospital community in mind.
This year, we were pleased to present the George Bristol Award to Nicole Arbour, volunteer manager of the BMP Auxiliaries Boutique and member of the BMP Foundation Board of Directors.
The merger of the Auxiliaries’ Boutique with the BMP Foundation was the occasion for a complete overhaul of the boutique’s volunteer operations. Nicole, who has been with us since the beginning of this transition, has worked hard to modernize and improve the boutique’s offer. With this George Bristol Volunteer Award, the BMP Foundation wanted to formally thank her for her time and efforts. On behalf of all the employees and customers of the BMP Hospital who benefit from the boutique’s services, thank you Nicole!
Since 1954, the BMP Hospital Auxiliaries have been donating their time and raising dollars that are directly invested in the acquisition of equipment for the Hospital. Offering patient essentials such as first-aid products, shawls and books, the Auxiliaries’ Boutique also offers wonderful gift ideas and sweet treats. In addition to running the day-to-day business of the Boutique, volunteers also organize fundraising events on special occasions.
What more could we ask for? To become eco-responsible and safe for our users and employees! Thanks to a $40,000 investment by the BMP Hospital Auxiliary, the BMP Foundation was able to acquire a Chronos machine for the Sterilization Department. The BMP Hospital is one of the first hospitals in the Eastern Townships to have this high-quality machine.
The Anti germix® AE1 is an ecological and rapid disinfection system used by the sterilization team for high-level disinfection of transesophageal ultrasound probes.
This device eliminates the risks associated with handling a disinfectant solution. Its acquisition has a positive impact on the working conditions of BMP Hospital employees, and improves the quality and safety of the process. As well as extending probe life, the Anti germix® AE1 system also saves time, enabling greater productivity.

“Thanks to this investment and acquisition, I’m very proud to have improved the safety and working environment of my team, as well as that of users and our beautiful planet Earth. With this device, we have stopped using large quantities of disinfectant solution that had to be manually poured down our sinks. My team and I are very happy to contribute to sustainable development by reducing our waste, as this unit requires no consumables. What’s more, thanks to the speed of this device, my employees are also helping to improve access to healthcare. Thank you to the BMP Foundation!” explains Rénatanne Viens, Department Manager, Medical Devices Reprocessing Unit.

The Brome-Missisquoi-Perkins Hospital Foundation is pleased to inform you that new mandates are coming under our responsibility.
As of today, two entities are unified with the BMP Foundation:
The BMP Hospital Auxiliaries Boutique
Since 1954, the BMP Hospital Auxiliaries has been donating its time and raising dollars that are directly invested in the acquisition of equipment for the Hospital. Offering patient essentials such as first-aid products, shawls and books, the Auxiliaries Boutique also offers wonderful gift ideas and treats. As well as running the day-to-day business of the Boutique, volunteers also organize fundraising events on special occasions.
As our two organizations were already working towards the same goal, it made sense to bring us together, reducing the burden and administrative costs of the auxiliaries. We aim to bring the Boutique and its activities into a modern era. Already, a new cash register has been installed, allowing card payments, and a new brand image has been created for the Boutique. Nicole Arbour, volunteer manager of the BMP Hospital Auxiliaries Boutique, is now a member of the BMP Foundation Board of Directors, ensuring effective communication and unification.

Cowansville Elderly home Foundation
We are also pleased to announce that we will ensure the continuity of the Cowansville Elderly home Foundation. For more than 30 years, this Foundation had carried out its philanthropic mission for the specific benefit of the residents of the Cowansville Elderly home. The BMP Hospital Foundation has since created a recreational fund dedicated to the CHSLDs of the RLS la Pommeraie (notably the CHSLD Sutton and Cowansville) which allows more activities to be realized such as: zoo therapy, music, zumba gold, group activities and more. In an effort to maximizing the resources of the organizations, the administration of the Cowansville Elderly home Foundation has chosen to dissolve and entrust the management of its funds to the BMP Foundation for the future.
“It is after much reflection, but also with great emotion, that we have decided to dissolve the Cowansville Elderly home Foundation. Our organization has done a great deal of good for residents over the years and knowing that the BMP Foundation is taking over is a great comfort to us.” – Me Édith Chaput, outgoing President of the Board of Directors of the Cowansville Elderly home Foundation.
This unification is motivated by a common mission: to improve the accessibility and quality of healthcare offered to the population of Brome-Missisquoi. The BMP Foundation would like to acknowledge the unwavering commitment of volunteers, members of the Board of Directors and even some of the center’s employees for all these years of effort, which will endure in time thanks to this union.

The entire team at the Brome-Missisquoi-Perkins Hospital Foundation enjoyed a wonderful evening, surrounded by numerous donors and partners, at its BMP Oktoberfest last Saturday. Thanks to the 275 participants and sponsors, we are pleased to announce a profit of $34,000! THANK YOU to everyone! Thank you to event presenter Desjardins for supporting Fondation BMP for 30 years!

For the second year, the BMP Oktoberfest was held under the permanent tent at Domaine de l’Artisan. Owner Michel Thibodeau pulled out all the stops to welcome participants in the most authentic atmosphere possible. Thanks to him, and to Marcel Picard, owner of Saucisson Vaudois, who prepared the delicious sauerkraut, sausages, and incredible ham. The meal ended with a wonderful apple cake and coffee generously donated by Virgin Hills Coffee Roasters. Thank you.
Thanks to the three microbreweries on site: Brouemont (Bromont), Knowlton Co. (Knowlton) and L’Autre Brasserie (Bedford).
We’d also like to extend our warmest thanks to all our event sponsors: the City of Bromont, Excavation STR and St-Pierre et Tremblay, Familiprix Cowansville Judith and François Marziali, Barnes Home Hardware, the City of Brigham, Toitures Smith & Dubois Inc, Au Cœur des Saisons, the City of Bolton-Est, Construction DJL inc. and Sébastien Kaempf, real estate broker at REMAX. Thanks also to our media partner M105.
Raffle tickets were on sale during the event and helped us raise this handsome sum. We’d also like to thank all the businesses that donated prizes for the draw: Maison de la culture de Waterloo, Madame Fortin, Ungava, Balka, BMR Bromont, Atelier Bouffe, Brome Lake Books and Brome Bird Care.
Two decentralized automated cabinets
This year, all raised funds at our events and solicitation communications will be used to help fund two decentralized automated cabinets of the BMP Hospital Pharmacy. This project complements an initiative launched by the Department of Health and Human Services in 2013. To secure the storage and administration of medications on critical and high-volume care units, decentralized automated cabinets have been installed in several BMP Hospital departments.
The BMP Foundation wishes to continue to secure pharmaceuticals in two other departments that have a high use of identified hazardous drugs and narcotics: the Birthing Pavilion and the Operating Room. The acquisition of these two decentralized automated cabinets and the training of staff in the use of this new equipment represents a total investment of $171,000. Did you know that medication errors account for more than 50% of reported incidents in Quebec hospitals? By donating to the BMP Oktoberfest, sponsors and participants have helped to minimize these errors at the Brome-Missisquoi-Perkins Hospital. Thank you for your support!
Thanks to Danny Landry for the wonderful photos:

After three years of virtual walking, feet once again hit solid pavement for the 2023 BMP Hospital Foundation’s annual Cancer Walk on the sunny morning of October 1 with 175 walkers, including 40 cancer survivors who showed up at the pink Survivor’s Tent.
They helped raise over $71,000 to purchase equipment to diagnose and treat cancer. The goal is $100,000 by December 15 since donations are still welcome via this website. So go ahead – register, donate, then lace up those sneakers and do the walk at your own leisure!
Since the creation of the Cancer Walk in 2003, the Yamaska Valley Optimist Club (YVOC) has raised close to $1,250,000. All this money has been used to provide cancer patients with modern, state-of-the-art facilities: this year’s funds go towards colonoscopy machines.
As usual for the past 21 years it was volunteers from the all-ladies YVOC who organized the event and made it happen along with about 80 community volunteers. Jessica Brown was the Master of Ceremonies and inspiring words were shared by the BMP’s Dr. Christine Cadrin and Jaime Moar – both cancer survivors.
Many thanks to the BMP Foundation, Lac Brome Community Centre and staff, First Responders Alain Bowbrick and Pierre Laplante, Daniela Scherff (past honorary president) as well as Sarah Holmes whose mini team did the Walk Warm-up and Catharine Bacon who takes care of publicity.
None of this could have happened without sponsors Pharmacie Jean Coutu Julie Coderre, Équipe McGale Charpentier Côté, Brûlerie Virgin Hill Coffee, Érablière Bernard, Centre Jardinage Granby, LD Traiteurs and JJ Towing.
Donations can still be made by clicking on the link below until December 15, 2023. Thank you for your generosity!
Some great photos of the event: