10 new vital signs monitors installed thanks to the Walk to fight all cancers

Every fall, the Yamaska Valley Optimist Club organizes the Walk to fight all cancers to benefit the BMP Foundation. Thanks to the money raised during the 2022 edition, 10 vital signs monitors were acquired and are now installed at the Brome-Missisquoi-Perkins Hospital.

The vital signs monitors are an important addition to the hospital’s ability to monitor the health of patients undergoing treatment in the Oncology Department, and to react quickly in the event of an emergency. Mounted on the walls next to each treatment chair, they are easily accessible to the nursing staff.

Francis Laramée, Executive Director of the BMP Foundation; Linda Martin, Sandra Hall, Lucy Davis, Louise Gélinas, Janet Gibbons of the Yamaska Valley Optimist Club

The Walk to fight all cancers has been organized since 2003 by members of the Yamaska Valley Optimist Club, an all-women’s club assisted on the day of the event by some 80 volunteers from the community. Since the event’s inception, close to $1,250,000 has been raised in donations and used to provide cancer patients with modern, state-of-the-art facilities.

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