Reconnaissance des donateurs
Due to difficulties in finding suppliers and installation staff, the Recognition Wall update is on hold until a new long-term solution can be identified. We thank all of our donors for their generosity and especially for their understanding and patience during this situation beyond our control. Recognition is always a priority and we invite donors with questions to contact us.
Created in 1997, the Recognition Wall serves as a small way of saying thank you and of recognizing the ongoing commitment of our many faithful supporters. The Trees of Life symbolize the life and growth of our region, with our Hospital and its Foundation at the centre, supported by deeply entrenched roots throughout the community.

The Trees were established through the donation from Mr. Moe Levin, Foundation director and long term ally to the BMP Foundation. Recognition is accorded to individuals, companies, or associations, based upon that individual or party’s cumulative contributions since 1989.
Five levels of contribution
Depending on the amount, the name of the donor will appear on a leaf or a plaque.
- $5,000 to $9,999 – a satin aluminum leaf
- $10,000 to $24,999 – a satin brass leaf
- $25,000 to $99,999 – a mirrored aluminum leaf
- $100,000 and more – a mirrored brass leaf
Trees are updated as needed. Donors wishing to access the next level are asked to contact the Foundation.
For more information or clarification: in person at our office located in the lobby of the Hospital, by phone at 450 266-5548 or by email