The RLS de la Pommeraie earns its 5th “Baby-Friendly” certification

The RLS de la Pommeraie, which includes the BMP Hospital, CLSCs and GMF-U, was visited last February by external evaluators from the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux and met the requirements set by the World Health Organization and Unicef for the Baby-Friendly certification. 

The Baby-Friendly initiative sets international standards for quality of care, parental guidance and the marketing of breast-milk substitutes. Recognized Baby-Friendly establishments provide parents with evidence-based information on infant nutrition and health.

The BMP Hospital has thus obtained its 5th certification, a status it has proudly held for 25 years, having been the first hospital in Canada to be certified in 1999. Today, 20,000 hospitals around the world are Baby-Friendly certified. The hospital also boasts a breastfeeding rate of 81%, exceeding the standard of 75%. CLSCs in la Pommeraie have also been certified for 20 years, and we are delighted that the GMF-U la Pommeraie has been able to meet the quality criteria to offer optimal conditions for families.

The BMP Foundation would like to congratulate all the staff who works so hard to maintain a high standard for the families of our region! 

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